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Secret of Happy Living
Nowadays everyone is running after success but everyone’s basic objective is to be happy. Everybody wants to have a happy fulfilled life, everybody wants happiness. Without happiness one’s life becomes miserable ! Once you learn how to create your own happiness , no one can take it from you.

The easiest & most effective way to add immense joy in life is through meditation. It gives you the ultimate happiness in life.
Stress, anger & anxiety weaken our thinking capacity. Regular mediation boosts willpower , enhance brain function & gives solutions to problems from within. Meditation is extremely necessary to build a right mindset to battle negative energy , slackness & indolence.
When practiced regularly, meditation significantly increases memory power & improves decision making abilities. Meditation gradually increases the brain functioning.

Some sort of exercise is necessary to build determination & discipline. Be it yoga , workout or aerobics. You need to keep fit. Start a healthy lifestyle — eat healthy , take good sleep , drink sufficient water.
Invest your time in good deeds & make it valuable.
Avoid carrying unnecessary burden of expectations. Contentment or self satisfaction is the secret to happy living.There should be some limit where you should stop otherwise something will be left behind that will result in regret.